
Implementation of an ERP: the essential points to ensure a more optimized management

Technology has been a great ally for companies, helping to optimize processes. In this context, knowing how to implement a correct ERP has become a fundamental step to guarantee efficient business management.

He management system It can contribute to a leap forward in day-to-day administrative work by automating tasks, standardizing operations and improving the flow of information.


According to Microsoft, 93% of small and medium-sized businesses said they feel digital transformations have accelerated in their businesses recently.

The agility of changes is a market reality, which can be accompanied by important developments, such as more complete ERPs, but can also bring adaptation challenges for companies.


To reap the full benefits of management systems, follow this article, which provides the necessary steps for a successful implementation.

5 pillars for a successful ERP implementation

The implementation of the system ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a very important step for the business and, as it brings new perspectives, it is essential to analyze and plan all the details that precede an investment of this level.

Being able to identify if ERP is the solution that, in fact, fits the demands your business faces right now and if the tool will meet most of your expectations, is essential for efficient use of technology.


Below, we’ll talk about some ways to ease this transition.

1. Good planning


There is a method capable of executing planning known as SMART -companies/  (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time based ), which can be translated as specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and deadline-based.

This approach can help classify the objectives you want to achieve with your ERP implementation, serving as a basis for more assertive planning.

To do this, we consider the ways in which these results will be achieved and measured, whether they will make a truly relevant difference, and whether the time for adjustment will be sufficient.

2. Prepared infrastructure

It is not only essential to list the sections of your company that need to be optimized and, consequently, the functionalities that the system must offer. It is important that this system adapts to your processes.

It is worth remembering that solution hosting models have a direct impact on the performance of ERP software, namely:

  • On premise: It is installed on the organization’s own servers and does not require an Internet connection. When using physical space, it is important to know if the company headquarters can accommodate the solution and if there is a team that knows how to use and perform the necessary maintenance;
  • In the cloud: It can be considered an online ERP, with the system hosted in the cloud, the only thing you need is an internet connection and log in to the platform to access the functionalities, with technical support and without the need for hardware.

Following this logic, it is crucial to evaluate whether the infrastructure supports the business management system. Scalability is a point to pay attention to here, which also applies to upgrade and customization options.

After all, your company’s needs and even goals can change over time, and it’s not interesting to be stuck indefinitely with a fixed scope.

3. Data migration

After doing the initial planning and considering which hosting format is best for your business, it is time to gradually implement data migration.

A smooth transition at a fluid pace is recommended due to the big change involved in adopting an ERP, especially if it is the first time that the company faces a solution of this level.

Try to understand what data is essential for the proper functioning of all sectors of the business and ensure it is secure.

Relying on an ERP that handles incorrect and broken data is a waste of time and money, since the software loses its function, which is exactly to organize this database.

A failure at this stage can result in significant losses for your entire operation, as it is impractical to correct inaccurate data after implementation.

4. Team management and change of focus

It is nothing new that the ERP implementation process ends, in fact, with the installation of the chosen system.

After completing this phase, it is extremely important to conduct specific training for your team to ensure everyone knows how to use the technology. This makes the adaptation much more fluid, without compromising the progress of the processes.

This training, by the way, should be done before the implementation is complete and before the system goes live, as the investment is very valuable and should be done carefully for your entire company.

5. Count on constant support

Implementing an ERP is the first step in using technology, but the system needs constant monitoring to avoid problems.

This involves regular reviews to ensure it is working properly, as well as frequent updates to keep up with market changes.

With increasingly rapid advances in technological development, these updates are usually constant and, therefore, having technical support is essential.

The specialized team can also help maintain the system more effectively, quickly identifying possible failures and avoiding problems that could in any way harm the management of your business.

What problems are eliminated with an ERP system?

The function of ERP is to facilitate the management of information from different sectors, centralize data and, from this, contribute to more efficient general management.

In practice, the system helps reduce or eliminate problems such as:

  • reworkings;
  • repetitive tasks;
  • manual processes;
  • errors in daily processes;
  • time spent performing tasks;
  • unnecessary operating costs;
  • Response time in serving suppliers and customers.

What benefits will your company have after implementing ERP?

Implementing an ERP system in the company means having a centralized database, automating tasks and monitoring operations more efficiently, in addition to being an opportunity to integrate different business sectors.

Technology can bring many benefits to the company in general, directly contributing to its success in the market. Among the benefits we can highlight:

  • data reliability;
  • make more assertive decisions;
  • organization of information flow;
  • increased employee productivity;
  • access to more complete and efficient reports.

ERP is with TOTVS

Standing out in the market is quite a challenge. According to the study commissioned by Microsoft , highlighted at the beginning of this content, 40% of the companies interviewed said they had yet to invest in technology.

To maintain a competitive advantage, having a solution that optimizes routine, strengthens the work of the manager and offers new perspectives to employees is a turning point for your company.

This is the case of the management systems developed by TOTVS, a Brazilian company with more than 25 years of operation in the Latin American market, considered the largest in the technology sector in the region.

Highly configurable, the platforms are prepared to grow along with your business, adapting to different phases and serving the most different sizes of companies.

From financial management to purchasing administration and business intelligence With performance indicators, the systems integrate essential functionalities for more efficient processes.

Get to know TOTVS management systems and discover how they help optimize your business.


Throughout this content we show tips that can facilitate the implementation of ERP software, a process that has become increasingly essential to organize information within companies.

By centralizing data, it is possible to increase information reliability, reduce rework and overall business costs.

All of this has a positive impact on different areas of the company, from financial control to purchasing management and consumer relations.

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