ERP and CRM: How to differentiate and integrate these systems?

Various technologies are used to facilitate customer service management within a company, such as ERP and CRM systems. They help automate processes, proximity to the customer and boost sales.

When the two are integrated, they can help a company in many ways in addition to its growth.

Do you want to know how these tools can do this? What are their differences, advantages and main features?

Follow our article and we will explain all this to you, answering all your questions. Shall we go there?

Definition of ERP and CRM

The systems ERP and CRMTogether, they help with company management and customer relations. See the definition of each one below:

What is an ERP and what are its characteristics?

ERP stands for enterprise resource planning, which is the acronym for enterprise resource planning. It is a system that has several applications within a company and integrates data from various sectors.

Its objective is to connect all the information within an organization so that they receive information simultaneously. With this it is also possible to be more efficient throughout the process, optimize times, enable the best strategic decisions and reduce costs.

ERP also standardizes administrative, financial, commercial, productive and logistical routines, in addition to allowing the control and planning of material, human and financial resources.

In addition to all this, it improves the quality and reliability of management data and reports and facilitates the flow of information between areas and hierarchical levels of the company.

What is CRM and what are its benefits?

CRM stands for customer relationship management. It stands for Customer Relationship Management. It is software that allows you to follow the consumer’s journey and facilitates contact with each of them.

The CRM does this by recording the interactions of each contact with the company, which facilitates the work of salespeople, who think about more personalized strategies for each client.

In addition, it aims to improve customer relations and increase satisfaction, retention and consumer loyalty, with the centralization of customer data, which allows all of their information to be stored and accessed in one place.

It also allows customers to be classified according to criteria such as profile, preferences, purchase history and purchase potential, through customer segmentation. This allows you to create more specific and effective campaigns and offers for each group.

With CRM it is also possible to integrate with other systems to expand communication channels and optimize the company’s internal processes.

It is worth mentioning that, according to Select Hub , an online software selection platform, the projection is that the CRM market will reach 80 billion dollars by 2025. This shows that it is an expanding market.

What are the main differences between ERP and CRM?

You already know that ERP and CRM are two systems that can help manage a company more efficiently and effectively, right? However, they have some differences.

ERP is software intended for managing processes within the company and that integrates data from different sectors. Facilitates the flow of information and communication between departments.

CRM is software that focuses on the areas of sales and customer service. Track deals, contacts, and history of interactions with consumers. This way, you understand customer needs and preferences and retain them for the long term.

Therefore, the main difference between ERP and CRM is that the former is used for internal operations and financial data. The second is used for external sales and customer service, with a focus on understanding the weak points of each of them.

However, these two systems can complement and integrate with each other, creating a complete solution for business management.

What are the main advantages of ERP and CRM?

Now that you know the main characteristics of ERP and CRM systems, in addition to their differences, how about knowing the main advantages of each of them? Shall we go there?


See the main advantages of ERP:

  • cost reduction, since ERP allows you to work more efficiently, in addition to automating activities, which produces more and uses fewer resources;
  • more productivity, because the system allows many tasks to be automated, which provides more free time to employees to use in other company strategies;
  • integrated areas thanks to the ERP, so that the information reaches all sectors and standardizes the process, which guarantees greater agility.
  • decisions with data analysis, as it allows decisions to be made through specific reports and data to achieve business objectives;
  • Strategic alignment of what is planned or executed by your team, which leaves the entire company with the necessary information to carry out its activities.


Discover the main advantages of CRM:

  • data organization, as CRM archives information, such as history and interactions, and makes it easier for the salesperson to continue working. Therefore, it is not necessary to control everything in spreadsheets that are subject to errors;
  • Total focus on customers, because the data is recorded based on the interests of each of them. Thus, it is possible to customize all approaches according to each client’s information;
  • Integration of tools, such as automation platform, email and calendar. This allows the seller to use a single tool, which optimizes time and provides more agility during the process;
  • control of the commercial process through a single place and monitoring of the sales funnel in real time;
  • Sales opportunities are managed according to the actions that must be carried out, through reminders so as not to forget what needs to be done;
  • The consumer journey is better understood, allowing for the development of more effective sales techniques.

As we can see, both ERP and CRM improve the efficiency and productivity of employees, since they can access the information they need quickly and easily, without having to use several different systems or manual spreadsheets.

In addition, they reduce operating costs and human errors, since the systems automate and standardize the company’s processes and data, avoiding rework, waste and inconsistencies.

With all this, it is possible to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, since the systems allow us to better understand their profile and needs, offering a personalized, agile and quality service.

When to use an ERP?

ERP is indicated to optimize the operational and administrative routines of the company, seeking efficiency, productivity and cost reduction.

Its use depends on the needs and objectives of each company. However, some signs that may indicate this need are:

  • lack of control over finances, inventory, sales, suppliers and customers;
  • difficulty accessing and analyzing management and strategic information;
  • waste of time and resources with manual, repetitive and bureaucratic processes;
  • errors and inconsistencies in data and reports;
  • difficulty in communication and integration between departments and branches;
  • Low competitiveness and capacity for innovation in the market.

When to use a CRM?

CRM is indicated to improve the company’s marketing, customer service and sales strategies, aiming at customer loyalty, retention and satisfaction.

It can be used for various purposes, such as:

  • organize and centralize customer information in one place;
  • automate repetitive tasks such as sending emails, reminders and billing;
  • monitor the history of interactions, negotiations and sales made with each client;
  • segment customers according to criteria such as profile, preferences, purchasing potential and stage of the sales funnel;
  • analyze data and generate reports on sales performance, customer satisfaction and return on investment (ROI).

Count on TOTVS software to manage your company

TOTVS is a company of Brazilian origin with more than 25 years of operation in the Latin American market, a reference in technology and innovation focused on process management and automation. It operates in more than 12 market segments, with solutions that serve small, medium and large organizations.

With TOTVS systems, such as CRM, you will be able to have full control of the administrative, financial and accounting routines of your company. Plus, you can integrate them and have all the benefits of both systems together.

With them you will always be up to date, which makes it easier to manage your company’s processes and customer service.

Manage all your company processes with more ease and quality! Discover the systems ERP and CRM from TOTVS!


In this content we talk about ERP and CRM management systems. In addition, we review its concepts, main characteristics and the differences between both tools, which, together, can bring countless benefits to your business.

We also show the main advantages of each of them and how they can be complementary in an organization.


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